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Sunday 28 July 2024

Does Putin now want peace?

What everyone was most probably thinking, and what Grace Piercy (left) now reports,

"Paris' rail network has been paralysed for the weekend following an arson attack, prompting fears Russia could be behind it.
While no group or individual has claimed responsibility - and French authorities are yet to name suspects - experts have suggested a correlation between acts of sabotage and Russian fury over their national team being excluded from the games.
Security analyst Alex Kokcharov told MailOnline: “Russia has both the intent and capability to attempt sabotage acts in Europe, especially in France. Russian intent is largely linked to the fact that Russia was not invited to the Olympic games.
(Express : 26 July 2024) (my emphasis)

 Added to which, as reported by Aurora Bosotti (right),

"Russia has introduced new legislation cracking down on the use of personal phones on the frontline.
Vladimir Putin has been grappling with a considerable threat to his reputation as soldiers engaged in Ukraine have been lamenting the lack of preparation of military commanders and the unsuitability of equipment since the start of the war."
(Express: 25 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Further exacerbating his drip drip meltdown over his continued failures in his war with Ukraine, Alice Scarsi (left) reports that,

"Vladimir Putin has been humiliated once again by Ukraine after a Russian ferry was attacked earlier this week.

The move has likely hugely hindered Moscow's ability to supply its troops in the war-torn country with Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), the UK Defence Minister believes.
[Britain's MOD] said: "The strike will almost certainly cause Russia further logistical problems in supplying its occupying forces in southern Ukraine and the regional export of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)."
(Express: 26 July 2024) (my emphasis)

It is, therefore, no wonder that 'peace' in Ukraine is now becoming a matter of urgency for Putin.

As Gary Kasparov (right) so eloquently put it in a very recent interview,

"For Trump, all these sanctions and [Ukraine's] borders matter, but the main thing is to demonstrate that his plan is not 'pro-Putin'.

It is clear that the 2022 border [of Ukraine] is Trump's plan. Such an approach could put Putin in an incredibly difficult position... 

But, of course, Putin cannot accept this." (video below)

War And Politics 24: 27 July 2024: YouTube

Piling on the pressure for Putin's war in Ukraine to end China, according to Kasparov,

"China seems to have its 'red lines', and I believe that the use of 'nuclear' weapons by Russia is impossible because Beijing will not allow it!

War And Politics 24: 27 July 2024: YouTube 

Futhermore, as reported by Chris Mason and Sophie Williams,

"He [Ukraine President Zelensky] told the BBC that the whole world will need to put pressure on Russia in order to persuade it to sit down and consider ending the war.

BBC : 18 July 2024

“It doesn’t mean that all territories are won back by force. I think the power of diplomacy can help,” he said, adding that a weaker Russia on the battlefield would put Ukraine in a stronger position on the negotiating table.

“By putting pressure on Russia, I think it is possible to agree to a diplomatic settlement.”
(BBC : 18 July 2024) (my emphasis)

And as reported by Aditi Shah (left), we now earn that,

" Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to visit Ukraine next month, a local media report said, his first visit to the country since its war with Russia began and just weeks after he met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.
India has refrained from directly blaming Russia, while urging the two nations to resolve their conflict through dialogue and diplomacy."
(Reuters: 27 July 2024) my emphasis)

NDTV: 27 July 2024

That dyed-in-the wool Soviet foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov (left), as reported by the Kyiv Independant,

"Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said he "does not listen" to Ukraine's statements about peace talks, claiming recent comments from senior Kyiv officials have been contradictory.
Lavrov's dismissive comments contrast with Russian authorities' repeated claims that they are open to peace negotiations."
(Kyiv Independent: 27 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Unfortunately for Lavrov, Putin's mouthpiece Dmitry Peskov (right) thinks otherwise. 

As reported by Dmitry Antonov,

"The Kremlin signalled on Thursday it was open to negotiations with Ukraine on ending the conflict while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy remains in power despite publicly doubting his legitimacy to rule.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Wednesday during a visit to China that Kyiv was prepared for talks with Russia provided Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity were fully respected, though he said that Ukraine has seen no sign of that." (Reuters: 25 July 2024) (my emphasis)

The critical question is :-

Does Putin now want peace?  

UPDATE: 29 July 2024

There now seems to be a frenzy about instituting 'peace' talks regarding Putin's war with Ukraine.

As Dmytro Basmat reports,

"U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (left) met with India's Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar during the Quad Summit in Tokyo on July 28, to discuss among other things a "just and enduring peace" in Ukraine, a U.S. State Department spokesperson said.

The comments on Ukraine come as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reportedly scheduled to travel to Kyiv in August, marking his first visit to Ukraine since Russia launched its all-out war in February 2022." (Kyiv Independent on Yahoo News: 29 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Putin cannot escape from the increasing pressure being put on him 'internationally' by those whom he regarded as his supporters in his war with Ukraine.

 Kanishka Singh: Reuters on Microsoft Start: 28 July 2024

And against the backdrop to these developments, 

  • Ukraine said it hit a Tu-22M3 supersonic bomber a record-breaking 1,100 miles from its borders, Ukrainska Pravda reported on Saturday, citing sources in the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. (Cameron Manley: Business Insider: 28 July 2024) (my emphasis)
  • UKRAINE has blasted an oil terminal in Russia while humiliated Vladimir Putin flexed his military muscle at Navy's day parade.. (Aiya Zhussupova & Will Stewart: The Sun: 28 July 2024) (my emphasis)
  • U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday emphasized the importance of a 'just and enduring peace' for Ukraine in a meeting with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, according to the State Department. The discussion came amid reports of an upcoming visit to Ukraine by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (Devdiscourse News Desk: 28 July 2024) (my emphasis)
Putin simply has nowhere to turn to.

(to be continued)

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Putin cannot sleep for the 'political' nightmares he's now having.

The Kremlin is in 'panic' mode!

Since US President Biden handed over the torch to US Vice-president Kamala Harris (left), Putin's mouthpieces have been falling over their feet to re-asses their coming inteference in the upcoming US presdential race.

No longer will they have US President Biden to contend with but Vice President Kamala Harris who, throughout her vice-presidency,

"Harris has supported her administration’s stance on Ukraine, which has involved sending the country aid.

Trump is likely to attack this record as he has already pledged to cut aid for the war-torn country."
(Alexa Phillips: The I on Microsoft Start: 23 July 2024) (my emphasis)

As reported by Chris Samuel, the more bizarre statements issueing fom Putin's mouthpieces include,

"[Russian Duma Speaker Vyacheslav] Volodin (right), a former aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, also inexplicably claimed the Democrat should be held accountable "for the war unleashed in Ukraine, the destruction of the economies of European states, the sanctions policy against Russia and other countries", as per MailOnline. (Express: 22 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Furthermore, Guy Faulconbridge and Dmitry Antonov noted that none other than Putin's Kremlin mouthpiece, Dmitry Peskove (right; below), has stated that,

"The Kremlin on Monday was cautious about the possibility of Kamala Harris's U.S. presidential candidacy, saying that the vice president had made no discernable contribution to relations with Moscow beyond some unfriendly rhetoric.
 For Russia, Peskov said, the priority was achieving the goals of what President Vladimir Putin calls the special military operation in Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.
The Kremlin was unable to assess what a Harris candidacy would mean for relations because Moscow had so far noticed no contribution at all from Harris to those relations besides some instances of unfriendly rhetoric, Peskov said.
(Reuters: 22 July 2024) (my emphasis) 

Putin is not the only one pulling out his hair in anger at Kamala Harris being endorsed by Biden as the Democratic Party candidacy to confront Putin's Trump in the upcoming US presidential race.

Putin's EU supporter, Victor Orban, has had his wings severly clipped.

As reported by Christy Cooney (left),

"The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borell, has stripped Hungary 
(Victor Orban, Hungary P.M.: right) of the right to host the next meeting of foreign and defence ministers over its stance on the war in Ukraine.
The next set of meetings will take place on 28-30 August and were to be held
in Budapest, but on Monday Mr Borrell announced they would instead take place in Brussels." (BBC News: 23 July 2024 (my emphasis)

Christy Cooney goes on to report that,

"Citing comments made after the meeting with Mr Putin in which Mr Orban accused the EU of having a "pro-war policy", Mr Borrell told reporters: "If you want to talk about the war party, talk about Putin."

"I can say that all member states - with one single exception - are very much critical about this behaviour."
(ibid  Christy Cooney)

DW News: 22 July 2024: YouTube

To add to the growng fears of Victor Orban, Victor Jack and Gabriel Gavin (left) report that,

"Hungary is racing against time to avoid power outages and fuel shortages after Ukraine imposed a partial ban on Russian oil passing through its territory.
Kyiv last month imposed sanctions blocking the transit of pipeline crude sold by Moscow’s largest private oil firm, Lukoil, to Central Europe — partially negating an exemption to sanctions set up by the European Union to give Russian-reliant countries extra time to wean off supplies.

Ukraine's aim is to throttle a key source of revenue for the Kremlin’s war chest more than two years after its full-scale invasion of the country."
(Politico: 20 July 2024) (my emphasis)

We also learn from Joe Middleton and Shweta Sharma that,

"Ukraine has launched a major aerial attack on Putin’s forces for the second night in a row, targeting occupied Crimea in an overnight assault that local officials said involved at least 21 drones.
Monday night’s assault on the Crimean port of Sevastopol came as Volodymyr Zelensky’s foreign minister began a rare four-day visit to China, during which he will meet Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.

Dmytro Kuleba’s task will be to put Ukraine’s case to Russia’s most important ally. He said he would be discussing “the restoration of peace, deepening our bilateral dialogue, expanding trade and economic cooperation” during the visit."
(The Independent on Microsoft Start: 23 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Further precipitating a meltdown in the Kremlin, 

  • The European Union's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, announced on July 22 that Ukraine is expected to receive the first transfer of $1.5 billion in payments from Russian frozen assets at the beginning of August. (Rachel Amran: Kyiv Independent on Microsoft Start: 23 July 2024) (my emphasis)
  • Slovakia’s defense minister is pushing for a major boost to ammunition production. Yet while his government steadfastly refuses to arm Ukraine, Slovak-made shells are ending up there. (Daniel Hornak and Andrea Dudik: Bloomberg UK: 22 July 2024) (my emphasis)
  •  Bulgaria is working on a new arms package for Ukraine, said the country's caretaker Defense Minister Atanas Zapryanov on Monday. (YeniSafak: 23 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Passing on the baton to Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden has further invigorated the stance against Putin and his war with Ukraine.

As the ropes for supporting Putin begin to tighten around the waist of Victor Orban, his most ardent supporter in the EU, and those 'critical' talks between Ukraine and China; are these giving Putin even more 'political' nightmares?

(to be continued)

Thursday 18 July 2024

Putin is ensuring that his 'bolthole' is sufficiently protected.

 Are we at all surprised that, as reported by Arpan Rai (left),

"Germany has said it will halve its military aid to Ukraine next year, despite concerns that US support for Kyiv could potentially diminish if Republican candidate Donald Trump returns to the White House.
(The Independent on Microsoft Start: 18 July 2024) (my emphasis)

One only has to recall former German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Matthew Karnitschnig: Politico: 26 July 2021) pushing for the Nord Stream2 link between Russia and Germany, and the German Chancellor before her, Gerhard Schröder (The Independent: 04 February 2022), practically running Gazprom for Putin, to realise that Germany and Putin are joined at the 'economic' hip.

Not to mention Olaf Scholtz (left) cosying up to Xi Jin Ping of China, cementing the economic ties beween these two countries.

As reported by China Daily,

"After visiting Chongqing, a key southwest manufacturing base, and Shanghai, the national financial hub, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in Beijing to meet with President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang.
In their meeting on Tuesday, China's top leader told Scholz that cooperation between China and Germany was not a "risk" but a guarantee for stable ties and an opportunity for the future.

That Chancellor Scholz came with a bumper delegation of government ministers and business executives suggests that he views things the same way."
(China Daily: 16 April 2024) (my emphasis) 

MoneyControl : May 2024: YouTube

Arpan Rai further reports that,

"Alarm bells rang across Europe this week after Trump picked Senator JD Vance, who opposes military aid for Ukraine and warned Europe will have to rely less on the United States to defend the continent, as his candidate for vice president." (ibid Arpan Rai)

As also reported by Laura King (left),

"Publicly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has telegraphed confidence his government can weather whatever storm might be approaching. On Monday, he told reporters in Kyiv that “we will work together” with any U.S. leadership.

Vance (right) is “an outspoken proponent of pro-Russian, pro-Putin policies,” said Berlin, a senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis. “And he’s particularly dangerous because he is a sharper communicator than Trump.”

Like Trump, his running mate has called for a quick end to the war — which Zelensky’s camp considers code for a demand that it cede territory to Russia, consigning Ukrainian citizens in occupied cities, towns and villages to a brutal fate."
(LA Times on Microsoft Start: 17 July 2024) (my emphasis) (cf also: Veronika Melkozerova: Politico: 16 July 2024)

JD Vance joins staunch Putin-supporters Donald Trump and Victor Orban of Hungay, to the obvious delight of Putin himself.

This mild comfort of Putin is, however, tinged with his current paranoid fear.

As reported by Iona Cleave,

"Vladimir Putin has been forced to beef up defences around his heavily-guarded palace north of Moscow to defend against deep Ukrainian drone strikes.
Ukraine’s relentless drone strikes, that have successfully targeted Russian air bases, have forced Moscow’s military command “to prioritise limited air defence assets to cover what it deems high-value targets”, the ISW said.
The response to prioritise the palace has, however, stretched thin the defences in the surrounding region and St Petersburg, according to the Russian Telegram channel, VChK-OGPU." (The Telegraph: 17 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Furthermore, as reported by John Varga,

"Vladimir Putin may have inadvertently revealed where he plans to escape if he has to quit  the Kremlin in a hurry. (cf Iona Cleave above)

And it appears the Russian tyrant has raided his own army for vital military resources to ensure he remains safe in the event of a revolt.

During last year's Wagner rebellion, Putin is believed to have left Moscow in a panic and to have headed to his luxury estate (left) in northwestern Russia.
Former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky said contacts told him the Russian strongman had most likely made a beeline for his Valdai residence
(cf Iona Cleave above), located 250 miles from the capital between the Tver and Novgorod regions. (Express: 17 July 2024) (my emphasis)

And as Alice Scarsi (right) also reports,

"To date, more than half a million Russian military personnel have been killed or wounded
during Russia’s war. The average daily number of Russian casualties (killed and wounded) in May was 1,200 per day.

"It is estimated that 70,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the last 60 days alone."
(Express: 17 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Whilst he may be receiving 'mild' comfort from the 'fawning' and supportive statements of Trump, Orban, and JD Vance, Putin is, nonetheless, ensuring that his 'bolthole' is sufficiently protected lest the fate that befell Muammar Gaddafi of Libya also befalls him.

UPDATE: 19 July 2024

Chris Mason and Sophie Williams: BBC: 18 July 2024

(to be continued)

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Muammar Gaddafi's death has now taken centre stage in the mind of Putin

Hardly had that small tick on Trump's ear from the attempted assasination on his life stopped bleeding, and he was promptly escorted to his waiting limousine than Putin, conjuring up in his mind the harrowing images of that fateful day when Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was pulled from a drainpipe in 2011 and promptly killed, pronouced from his mouthpiece, Dmitry Peskov, that,

"The Kremlin said on Sunday it did not believe the U.S. administration was responsible for Saturday’s assassination attempt on U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, but that it had created an atmosphere that provoked the attack.

Trump was shot in the ear during a rally in Pennsylvania, in an attack now being investigated as an assassination attempt. The attacker was shot dead and law enforcement officials said they had not yet identified a motive." 
(Alexander Marrow: Reuters: 14 July 2024) ) (my emphasis)

Recall that in 2017 Putin angrily stated that,

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has compared anti-corruption protests that erupted throughout Russia over the weekend to Tunisia's 2011 Arab Spring and Ukraine’s 2014 Euromaidan revolution.
This is a tool of the Arab Spring,” he added. “We know very well what this leads to. This was the reason for the coup d’etat in Ukraine, and it plunged the country into chaos.”
(The Moscow Times: 30 March 2017) (my emphasis)

And whilst Putin was blaming Biden for the assasination attempt on Trump, Henry Foy reports that,

"Donald Trump will quickly demand peace talks between Russia and Ukraine if he wins November’s US presidential election and has developed “well-founded plans” for doing so, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán has claimed after private discussions with the Republican candidate.

That prospect means the EU should reopen direct diplomatic communication with Russia and start “high-level” negotiations with China to find a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine, the Hungarian prime minister (Victor Orban) said in a private letter to EU leaders following consultations in Moscow and Beijing."
(Financial Times: 16 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Parroting Victor Orban, Connor O’Brien, Joe Gould and Gavin Bade report that,

"Much of Europe was already panicked about a second Donald Trump presidency, worrying the U.S. would cut off aid to Ukraine if he wins in November. Then Trump picked J.D. Vance (right) as his running mate.

The 39-year-old Ohio senator is one of the most isolationist members of the Republican Party. He is vehemently opposed to using more funds to help Ukraine and has blasted what he sees as Europe’s over-dependence on the United States when it comes to military investment."
(Politico: 15 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Victor Orban's call that, "..the EU should reopen direct diplomatic communication with Russia and China" to find a 'peaceful' solution to Russia's was with Ukraine comes against the backdrop, as reported by the Telegraph that,

"Ukraine’s navy said that Russia has withdrawn its last naval patrol ship from occupied Crimea, a major victory for Kyiv in its sustained military campaign against the Black Sea peninsula.

“The last patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation is bolting from our Crimea just now. Remember this day,” Ukrainian navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk
(left) said." (The Telegraph: 16 July 2024) (my emphasis) 

 And as reported by Kieron Monks (right),

"Ukraine is testing a new jet-powered drone designed to destroy enemy aircraft, according to Ukrainian military news outlets, the latest innovation to emerge from the country’s rapidly-developing homemade drone industry.

Videos published by Military Journal show the sleek black device named “Bullet” performing aerial manoeuvres at an undisclosed test site. The drone has a maximum speed of 450km/h, a range of 200km, and can carry an explosive warhead of up to 3kg, according to the outlet."
(i News: 15 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Coupled with F16's now being flown against Putin's drones and aircraft bombing Ukraine's civilians, the "Bullet" is now also causing Putin sleepless nights.

It is no wonder that Orban and, more recently J. D. Vance, is suddenly calling for a Trumpian 'peace' knowing that Ukraine is, bit by bit, forcing Putin's army from Ukraine's teritory.

In light of the attempted assasination of Trump, the memory of the death of Muammar Gaddafi of Libya seems to have taken centre stage in the mind of Putin, causing him to have untold nightmares about his own demise.

(to be continued)

Friday 12 July 2024

Is Putin now ready to press the 'nuclear button'?

The 2024 75th anniversary of NATO at the summit this month in Washington DC that has just ended has both Putin and Chinese president Xi Jin Ping foaming at the mouth.

As NDTV reports,

"NATO allies on Wednesday announced they had started transferring F-16 jets to Ukraine and stepped up promises to Kyiv on eventual membership in the alliance at a 75th anniversary summit clouded by political uncertainties in the United States.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the F-16 transfer "concentrates Vladimir Putin's mind on the fact that he will not outlast Ukraine, he will not outlast us and, if he persists, the damage that will continue to be done to Russia and its interests will only deepen."
(NDTV: 11 July 2024) (my emphasis)

CBS News : 11 July 2024: Youtube

As Niamh Lynch (left) also reports,

"Speaking at an event on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, Mr Blinken said the jets are en route to Ukraine from Denmark and the Netherlands.
He added that a robust package for Ukraine will be unveiled over the next couple of days that will build a clear bridge for Ukraine's NATO membership.

"Those jets... will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer to make sure that Ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the Russian aggression," Mr Blinken said.

Norway is also set to donate six F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine to defend itself from Russian attacks, the country's Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said."
(Sky News on Microsoft Start: 11 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Putin, in 'mouth-foaming panic mode', has immediately dispatched his EU poodle, Victor Orban of Hungary, to confer with Trump following the NVABTO summit in Washington.

As Jennifer Jacobs (left) and Alberto Nardelli report,

"Former President Donald Trump will meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Florida on Thursday, according to people familiar with the matter, less than a week after he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.
The visit is likely to fan concerns that the Hungarian leader is working as an intermediary between Putin and Trump.

Trump and Putin professed a fondness for one another during the U.S. president’s first term—often garnering bipartisan criticism. More recently, the Republican leader has said he believed he could convince Putin to end his war in Ukraine and release Americans detained in Russia if he were elected to a second term." (Time: 11 July 2024) (my emphasis)

And just before the NATO summit in Washington, Putin exposed his evil to the international community.

As reported by Fred Pleitgen,

""CNN on scene of Ukrainian children's hospital struck by missile

Video: CNN's Fred Pleitgen reports from the Ukraine's largest children's hospital in Kyiv that was partially destroyed in a deadly missile strike."
(CNN: 7 July 2024) (my emphasis) 

And against the background of this evil carnage of Putin, John Varga (left) reports that,

"Ukrainian special forces inflicted a major blow on Russian forces, after wiping out 15 boats in a daring nighttime attack."
(Express: 10 July 2024) (my emphasis)

 As Arpan Rai (top right) and Tom Watling (bottom right) also report,

"Russian forces have lost 1,030 soldiers killed and wounded in the past 24
hours on the war  frontline in Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has said. The losses for Vladimir Putin’s troops include 48 artillery systems and 23 armoured combat vehicles, said the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." (Independent: 12 July 2024) (my emphasis)

  And whilst Putin's EU poodle, Victor Orban, is working as an intermediary between Putin and Trump, Stuart Lau (left) reports that,

"NATO has backed on Wednesday Ukraine's "irreversible path" to joining the alliance in future, according to a summit communiqué.

As earlier reported by POLITICO, the language in the communiqué is more critical of China than in statements from previous summits, referring to China as a "decisive enabler" of Russia's war against Ukraine."
(Politico: 10 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Which has rather disturbed Putin's 'bosom' buddy, Xi Jin Ping of China.

NATO admonishing China for supplying Putin with weaponry with which to kill the civilians and children of Ukraine has led to Xi Jin Ping,

" ... [accusing] Nato of smearing the country (China) and demanded the transatlantic alliance stay out of Asia, as its military demonstrated growing clout with record numbers of air operations near Taiwan and naval drills near the Philippines. Beijing lashed out on Thursday at Nato’s accusation that China had become a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Nato’s 32 leaders demanded on Wednesday that China “cease all material and political support to Russia’s war effort” in its strongest-ever condemnation of Beijing." (Kathrin Hille, Henry Foy,and Felicia Schwartz: Financial Times: 10 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Firstpost: 11 July 2024: YouTube

 As F16's from EU countries and the US begin to dominate the skies over Ukraine, and as allies pledge $1 billion to bolster Ukraine's air defense at the recent NATO Summit (Alla Shcherbak) Putin, once again,

"... blames the current war on NATO and accuses it of engaging in unprovoked expansion, said it [Russia] was planning "response measures" to contain the "very serious threat" from the alliance.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying on Thursday that the Western military alliance was now "fully involved in the conflict over Ukraine".
( RFI: 12 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Does the "very serious threat" of NATO and supporters of Ukraine against Russia mean that Putin is ready to press the 'nuclear button'?

UPDATE: 13 July 2024

The world is readying itself for 'nuclear war'.

The Telegraph :23 June 2024: YouTube

(to be continued)

Friday 5 July 2024

Putin has painted himself into a 'tight' political corner.

That the knives in the Kremlin are now been stuck in Putin's back is exemplified, as reported by Chris Samuel, that,

"Vladimir Putin would be prepared for Russia to share sovereignty of Crimea under a new "peace plan" to end the years-long war in Ukraine, it has been claimed.

Sources in Moscow and Kyiv claim the Russian President [Putin] has already sent interior minister and trusted ally Vladimir Kolokoltsev
(left) to the United States with the package of proposals.

Despite being sanctioned by the US, Kolokoltsev arrived in New York on June 26 to take part in UNCOPS-2024, a UN summit of police chiefs."
(Express: 4 July 2024) (my emphasis) 

What is interesting to note is that Russian Interior Minister, Kolokoltsev, is a "trusted ally" of Putin.

"Why?", one might ask, "is Putin suddenly sending Kolokoltsev to give US President Biden a 'peace' proposal that includes" :-

  • Ukraine must completely withdraw from Donetsk and Luhansk, two regions now partially annexed by Putin's forcees.
  •  Russia would hand over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station as well as the nearby town of Enerhodar, and would discuss the possible transfer of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions back to Kyiv's control. 
  • The Black Sea pensinusula of Crimea, meanwhile, would be turned into a “specially demilitarised administrative territory with dual subordination to Ukraine and the Russian Federation”.
  • “Ukraine must take on itself legally binding international guarantees, not to block the supply of water to Crimea,” said Gordon, quoting a document. (ibid Chris Samuel)

 Kanal13 : 5 July 2024: YouTube

In effect, Putin is rolling back the political carpet to his demented idea of "Novorossiya" (Courtney Weaver: Financial Times: 30 December 2014)  in 2014 when he first invaded Ukraine's Crimea, and subsequently occupied chunks of Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk provinces.

As Chris Samuel also points out,

"Dmitry Gordon, a leading Ukrainian TV journalist, said he learnt details of the prososals from his country's "intelligence sources”.

Meanwhile, Russian Telegram channel Gosdumskaya - which claims insider sources in Moscow - also reported a similar set of demands from the Kremlin leader."
(ibid Chris Samuel) 

The plot thickens, as reported by the Telegraph, that,

"Vladimir Putin has said he believes Donald Trump is sincere about ending the war in Ukraine, but does not know what his plan would involve.
Sources close to the former president [Trump] claimed this week that he was considering striking a bargain with Putin to block Ukraine from joining Nato.

“The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously,” Putin said at a news conference in Kazakhstan at the end of a regional security conference.”
(Telegraph: 5 July 2024) (my emphasis)

 Times of India : 4 July 2024 : YouTube

This sudden 'flurry' of 'peace' proposals emanating from Putin simply underscores the fact that he is on the verge of being deposed, and that his 'peace' proposals are nothing more than his Kremlin 'backstabbers' cobbling together a 'politically face-saving' device for themselves as Russia's defeat stares them in the face.

Putin's recent 'hob-nobbing' with Chinese President Xi Jing Ping, seeking his support in his war with Ukraine, has somewhat been eclipsed by Indian President Modi preparing to,

"Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to embark on his first visit to Russia since the onset of the Ukraine conflict on July 8. His visit underscores India's delicate balancing act, as it navigates maintaining its longstanding alliance with Moscow while seeking closer security ties with Western nations." (Mausam Jha : Mint: 5 July 2024) (my emphasis)

Mausam Jha goes on to report that,

"In recent years, the United States and its Western allies have strengthened relations with India as a counterbalance to Beijing's expanding influence in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, they have urged India to reduce its ties with Russia.
Russia's military actions in Ukraine have also had a significant human impact on India. In February, India stated it was actively negotiating with Russia for the release of its citizens who had been recruited for "support jobs" with the Russian military."
(ibid Mausam Jha)

Further underscoring the politically 'face-saving' peace proposals of Putin and his 'siloviki', Kwan Wei Kevin Tan
(right) reports that,

"China could hold the key to ending Russia's war in Ukraine, Finland President Alexander Stubb said in an interview with Bloomberg on Tuesday.

China's influence on Russia, Stubb said, stemmed from the latter's growing reliance on the Asian giant as it grapples with crippling economic sanctions from the West.

"I argue that Russia is so dependent on China right now that one phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis," Stubb said of the Chinese leader."If he were to say, 'Time to start negotiating peace.' Russia would be forced to do that."
(Business Insider: 3 July 2024 ) (my emphasis)
Reality is finally beginning to dawn on Putin that he has painted himself into a 'tight' political corner.
No matter which way he turns in his 'political' bunker is he confronted with the inescapable fact that neither himself, nor Russia, can any longer continue against the will of the people of Ukraine, and the support for Ukraine from the West.
UPDATE: 6 July 2024

The Associated Press has just reported that,

"The message to NATO from President Vladimir Putin was simple and stark: Don’t go too far in providing military support for Ukraine, or you’ll risk a conflict with Russia that could quickly turn nuclear.
“Representatives of NATO members, particularly in small countries of Europe, should be aware of what they are playing with,” he said, adding they could be mistaken to rely on U.S. protection if Russia strikes them.
With the West allowing Ukraine to hit Russian territory, Putin threatened to respond by providing weapons to Western adversaries worldwide. He underscored the message in June by signing a mutual defense pact with North Korea, signaling Moscow could start arms deliveries to Pyongyang.

He also declared that Moscow would start producing intermediate-range missiles banned under a Cold War-era pact that Washington and Moscow scrapped in 2019. The Kremlin wouldn’t say where Moscow could deploy the new weapons that were prohibited by the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which outlawed ground-launched missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers (310 to 3,410 miles).

Such nuclear-capable missiles are seen as particularly destabilizing because they can reach targets faster than ICBMs, leaving practically no time for decision-makers and raising the likelihood of a global nuclear war over a false launch warning."
(AP: 6 July 2024) (my emphasis)
Holding a "nuclear gun" at the head of the world, Putin is telling the world that he is more than ready to push the 'nuclear button'.

 Lex Clips
: May 2024 : YouTube

(to be continued)