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Monday, 15 September 2014

The Ukrainian-Russian showdown has begun

The EU and the US, having used the diplomatic euphimism of  a Russian 'incursion' into Ukraine, instead of what really is happening viz. a Russion 'invasion', are finally biting the bullet and beginning to supply Ukraine with arms. “I have no right to disclose any specific country we reached that agreement with,” Ukrainian defence minister Valery Heletey said on Sunday [14th September], “but the fact is that those weapons are already on the way to us," the Ukrainian Unian news agency reports him as saying.“To stop Putin we need weapons,” he said. Also, Minister Siemoniak of Poland said that "the Kiev government was free to agree arms deals with whom it chooses, and Poland would comply if a request was made. If Ukraine expresses willingness to place an order, our defence industry will certainly be ready to comply.”

Furthermore, on this day, the 15th September 2014, 15 nations will begin the 'Rapid Trident 2014' exercises, comprising around 1300 soldiers, in the Yavoriv training centre inside of Ukraine and near it's border with Poland. Taking part in these exercises will be Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, and the U.S.

It is not so much who the participants are but rather who is NOT participating. Conspicuously absent are NATO members France and Italy. Why?

In the case of Italy, as Putin has said, " [he has] high hopes that Italy will give a new impetus to the development of relations between Russia and the European Union" due to the fact that Italy is the upcoming rotating head of the European Union, as reported in Ria Novosti on 17th April 2014. Furthermore, he now has a new Italian ally in Federica Mogherini, the 41- year- old Italian who has been named the new EU's Foreign Policy Chief, only seven months after she was plucked from parliamentary obscurity in Rome and named Foreign Minister of her own country. Not only is she lacking in experience but is also known to be conspicuously soft on Russia, the same minister whose conciliatory comments on Russia’s possible annexation of eastern Ukraine were once given a welcome reception by Itar-Tass, the [Russian] state-run news agency. In a clear reference to Mogherini, Lithuania's President Dalia GrybauskaitÄ— said that the EU must not pick someone who is “pro-Kremlin”, as reported by Thomas Wright. But Matteo Renzi, Italy's Prime Minister, was determined to get her appointed, contrary to EU appointing procedures.

Federica Mogherini, the 41-year-old Italian
Major problems for her include the confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, an issue also likely to involve Caneta at energy and Austria's Johannes Hahn, the new commissioner for the European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, as reported in a Reuters article. Hopefully supplying arms to Ukraine will now be decisive in defeating Putin and his proxies and pushing them out of  Ukraine before she takes up her post on November 1st. If, however, Putin's 20,000 army on the border invades Ukraine then I dread to think what this typical Russian sympathiser EU Foreign Minister will do.

The really prickly question about Federica Mogherini is, "Did Matteo Renzi push her EU appointment on his own, or was Matteo Renzi himself pushed to get her appointed."  Renzi, as Joaquin Roy suggests " wanted to attack head-on Italy’s poor track record in European affairs in recent years, tarnished by the deplorable presence of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi in power and in opposition, a handicap that affected his predecessor Enrico Letta before him."

Matteo Renzi
Given the fact that  Matteo Renzi doggedly fought resistance from representatives of the Baltic states, amongst others, against her appointment, and that Renzi succeeded, was her appointment really to mollify Putin? Similarly, that the EU Association Pact that Ukraine signed, and that is being ratified today 16th September 2014, has been specifically watered down to satisfy Putin's excuse that the free-trade aspect of the pact should not immediately be instituted to prevent Russia from being flooded with cheap EU goods shipped via Ukraine. This change has led to Mr Poroshenko facing growing criticism in Ukraine for apparently caving in to pressure from Moscow and postponing implementation of the free trade deal with the EU.

Suffering Ukraine businesses want access to EU markets
Is all of this simply to allow Putin to save face, now that the real effects on the Russian economy and its people of the EU and US sanctions that are now in place has finally sunk in? Is this also why the Ukrainian Rada will, today, be discussing ," ...draft legislation aimed at ending the conflict in the east, including a special status for parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions .." Will this 'special' status mirror the previous autonomous status of Crimea before Russia recently invaded and annexed it? Is this also why the rather shaky ceasfire is still in place?

Shaky ceasefire in place. 16th September 2014
And suddenly, today (16/9/2014) at 11.52 UK time,the Ukrainian Rada has granted self-rule to the rebel-controlled regions of eastern Ukraine, as well as all rebel fighters been given an amnesty. The European and Ukrainian parliaments have also voted to ratify a major EU-Ukraine association agreement.

Has Putin won? 

( ... to be continued)


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Russia wants to 'restore Soviet Union'

Total invasion of Ukraine possibly imminent

On the 12th September, 2014 after just over a week ago, a ceasfire was agreed upon by Putin and Poroshenko, we have yet another "Trojan Horse" of, wait for it, 220 lorries that crossed into Ukraine from Russia WITHOUT observing any of the inspections from Ukraine, the International Red Cross, and the OSCE, as was agreed upon when the last "Trojan Horse" of so-called humanitarian aid tried to circumvent inspection from the Ukrainian authorities and the Red Cross.

The New Russian "Trojan Horse"
Yet again Putin has raised the banner of "humanitarian aid". At the same time Donetsk International Airport came under artillery fire this morning, the Ukrainian counter terrorism press office told CNN.This prompted the Ukrainian military to exchange fire with the rebel forces, it said. National Defence and Security Council spokesman Col. Andriy Lysenko said in a televised Kiev news briefing that a GRAD missile system was used in the attack on the airport, from three different points in the area. Donetsk City Council reported that two homes in the area were hit.

The modern St. George of Russia, Vladimir Putin, once again coming to the rescue ...... of what and of whom?

In light of the new set of sanctions that have been put in place by the EU and the US this very week, we have this response of Putin and his Russian army generals.This response is aimed directly at the EU. More specifically, it is aimed at destroying the rather tenuous EU agreements over their current list of sanctions. After all, since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, the EU triumvirate of Germany, France, and Italy have broken out in a cold sweat over the employment and financial implications of their investments in Russia simply because they have to put these EU sanctions in place to try to bring Putin to heel. And not only this triumvirate. Even Finland is beginning to wobble.

But where Putin has seriously stumbled in trying to gain control of the soul of the Ukrainian people is the utter failure of Patriarch Kirill to stamp his authority on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as Katarzyna Jarynska points out. 

This rather diminishes the recent boast of Putin that  ...

Are members of the EU so blinded by the effects that their sanctions will have on their own economies that they cannot see just how determined the people of Ukraine are in defending the sovereignty of their country? 

Has the EU indeed lost sight of its moral compass?  As Alexander Motyl has pointed out, "..such countries as France and Germany, which have extensive economic relations with Russia, face a difficult moral choice. They must ask themselves whether Putin is evil or evil enough. If they decide his killing spree in eastern Ukraine is neither evil nor evil enough, they must explain -- to themselves and the rest of the world -- just why they believe the destruction of Ukrainian, Russian, Malaysian, Dutch and other lives is not a form of evil behaviour." And now Finland, like so many other EU countries, is also faced with this moral choice. Thus, the question is, "What will the EU do about Putin's 'humanitarian' Trojan Horse that he has, once again, sent into Ukraine?"

(to be continued)

Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Devil succeeds when good men do nowt

On this day, the 7th of September, 2014, as the ceasefire in Ukraine breaks down and Putin's Russian army and his proxies in Luhansk and  Donetsk begin to break out the champagne, whilst those who attended the NATO summit in Wales 3 days ago have gone back to their respective countries; Obama took off some time before heading for the White House to visit the pagan site of Stonehenge. Apparently, a visit to Stonhenge was on his "bucket" list.


Is this Stonehenge visit of Obama yet another indication that "...the foreign policy of the United States is in a state of unprecedented disarray", as Bret Stephens so eloquently outlines in his article?  His summing up is a rather fitting title for the above picture.

"Since I am writing these words on the centenary of the First World War, it seems appropriate to close with a line from the era. At the battle of the Marne, with Germany advancing on Paris, General Ferdinand Foch sent the message that would rally the French army to hold its ground. “My center is yielding. My right is retreating. Situation excellent. I am attacking.” Words to remember and live by in this new era of headlong American retreat."

Meanwhile, the EU has drawn up a list of "new" sanctions against Russia, but these may be scaled up or down according to the development of the situation. What, exactly, does this tell us. Indeed, what message does this "up or down" convey to Putin, his kleptocratic inner circle and cronies, and his siloviki?

Even more important, how does Putin's army generals view this against the backdrop of them making their war games actually come to life? Is it any wonder that Putin has recently boasted that he can take over Kiev in 2 weeks? Is this an empty threat? No!

Now their determination to take over Mariupol, thus land-linking Crimea with Russia, is blatantly evident by their disregard for the ceasfire that Poroshenko and Putin's army and proxies are supposed to have put in place but 2 days ago, on the 5th September. And today, the 7th September, this ceasefire has also been broken in Donetsk.

These decisions of Putin, the Commander in Chief, the Russian KGB/FSB Godfather, are not simply directed towards his goal of dismembering Ukraine. Rather, the Lithuanian President, Dalia Grybauskaite, has perceptively concluded that Putin is really at war with the EU.

Russia 'practically' at war with Europe, says Lithuanian president as Ukraine accuses Putin’s tanks of flattening border town

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Merkel sellout of Crimea to Putin 30/7/2014

There is an old Hopi saying that "The truth will always float to the surface". And finally, on 31st July 2014, it is emerging that Putin and Merkel have been having secret talks that will concede Crimea to Russia in exchange for ending the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Now six days ago, (25th July 2014) Alexander J. Motyl  posed the following question:

" Is Putin evil? His actions certainly are, if by evil we understand behavior that willfully, consciously and purposely destroys human life. Perhaps we can call his actions undeniably evil and Putin himself "evil enough." Evil enough for what? Evil enough for condemnation by people of good will."

He further goes on to point out that,

"Such countries as France and Germany, which have extensive economic relations with Russia, face a difficult moral choice. They must ask themselves whether Putin is evil or evil enough. If they decide his killing spree in eastern Ukraine is neither evil nor evil enough, they must explain -- to themselves and to the rest of the world -- just why they believe the destruction of Ukrainian, Russian, Malaysian, Dutch and other lives is not a form of evil behavior."


".... the willingness of France, Germany and all the other states making up the European Union to respond to Putin's evil doing will determine the moral fate of the EU. If they sacrifice morality to arms contracts or gas, the EU will have lost its rasion d'etre. Worse, like Putin, it will be without a soul."

This really is the bottom line for the EU. No amount of diplomatic concealment of "secret agendas" hidden from public view can disguise or simply brush over this glaring moral choice facing the whole of the EU.

The current actions of Putin, especially since the implementation of the new round (August 2014) of EU and US sanctions against Russian companies and individuals, clearly exposes the contempt that Putin has for the Russian people. As Josh Lederman clearly points out,

" Russia's year long ban, announced Thursday, August 7th 2014, by a somber Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, covers meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and milk products from the U.S., the European Union and a handful of other Western nations ..... What the Russians have done here is limit the Russian people's access to food," David Cohen, the US Treasury under secretary told reporters. "We don't do that. Our law doesn't allow us to do that."

Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev announces sanctions at the cabinet meeting in Moscow on Thursday, Aug 7, 2014, banning all imports of meat, fish, milk and milk products and fruit and vegetables from the US, EU, Australia, Canada and Norway - AFP Photo.
 The ban exempts only baby food and will last one year unless "our partners demonstrate a constructive approach" with regard to sanctioning Russia, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said. File photo
Image by: RIA Novosti / REUTERS

Russia is introducing a "full embargo" on most food imports from EU, US, and other Western countries that have imposed sanctions against Moscow over its policy on Ukraine, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday.  Photo by PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images
Russia is introducing a “full embargo” on most food imports from EU, US, and other Western countries that have imposed sanctions against Moscow over its policy on Ukraine, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday. Photo by PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images

Russia bans food imports from Australia, Canada, EU, US, Norway; More measures considered

What is really telling about this "ban" is that Vladimir Putin has prior experience about letting Russian people starve to satisfy his criminal megalomania. I refer, of course, to his actions against the starving people of St. Petersburg in 1992 viz.

the deal struck between Putin and the German banks and businessmen in 1992. This deal involved the export of $100m worth of raw materials in exchange for food for the citizens of St Petersburg. The materials were exported, but the food never arrived, as Marine Salye, 

who was put in charge of a city council investigation into the deal, and who fastidiously kept the documents from that time, identified Putin's fingerprints all over it.
What even further exposes the perverse nature of Putin is that on 9th August he attempted an invasion of Ukraine under false pretenses. Disguised as peacekeepers and intent on provoking a significant military conflict, Russian troops were stopped from entering Ukraine following talks between both countries' foreign ministers, according to the Ukrainian government. The UK, US, and Germany denounced this invasion attempt by Putin. 

The White House said that during a call on Saturday, U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel "agreed that any Russian intervention in Ukraine, even under purported 'humanitarian' auspices, without the formal, express consent and authorization of the government of Ukraine is unacceptable, violates international law, and will provoke additional consequences."
Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron also discussed the crisis and said tougher sanctions should be imposed on Russia if it sends troops into Ukraine, according to a statement from Cameron's office.

(to be continued)

Monday, 21 July 2014

The downing of MH17

Germany, regarded as the powerful economic pivot upon which the Euro zone of the EU rotates, has finally exposed itself as purely "self-interested" when it comes to Putin, Russia, and Ukraine. Angela Merkel, a child of East Germany who was awarded prizes for her proficiency in Russian, and who is now the Chancellor of a unified Germany, is the ace that Putin has up his sleeve. She represents, more than anything else, a continuation of the Ostpolitik started by Willy Brandt in the 1970's.

As Sumi Somaskanda so perceptively wrote on May 26, 2014 in the Washington Times,

"Chancellor Angela Merkel’s predecessors worked steadily to build trust with Moscow since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Those efforts, said Stefan Meister, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin, stemmed from a sense of guilt for World War II and a sense of gratitude after German reunification. Now, 25 years later, both sides recognize the geopolitical importance of maintaining what they have built."

Here we see Willy Brandt with Willi Stoph  (Prime Minister of East Germany from 1964 to 1973) in 1970. And Today?

Here is Angela and her friend Putin, recently together in Brazil enjoying the 2014 World Cup football .

However, in light of the disastrous downing of Malaysian Flight MH17, how will the cosy relationship between Angela Merkel and Putin be affected? Just a few hours ago we learn that Putin's proxies in Eastern Ukraine, the so-called Pro-Russian rebels, are now desperately trying to remove or contaminate the evidence that this plane was shot down by a Russian Missile given to the pro-Russian terrorists in Eastern Ukraine.

The Putin propaganda machine has pulled out all the stops to blame the Ukrainians for what can only be described as an act of evil. Even the International and YouTube propaganda machine of Putin viz. RT, is actually claiming that this was an assassination attempt against Putin, orchestrated by the Ukrainians. And today, 27th July, Obama and the US are blamed for the downing of MH17!

"Russia reacted angrily on Saturday to additional sanctions imposed by the European Union over Moscow's role in the Ukraine crisis, saying they would hamper cooperation on security issues and undermine the fight against terrorism and organized crime.
Russia's Foreign Ministry also accused the United States, which has already imposed its own sanctions against Moscow, of contributing to the conflict in Ukraine through its support for the pro-Western government in Kiev."

 Apparently the Ukrainians thought this plane contained Putin on his way back from Brazil. To what depths will the propaganda machine of Putin sink to save him from the stench now emanating from the Kremlin?

Does Putin even care what the world thinks of him? Is it finally emerging that he has "lost the plot", as Merkel has suggested?

More importantly,  as Tom Nichols so eloquently points out,

"Now that a civilian airliner has been blown out of the sky by a Russian missile, however, there can be no further denial that Russia is actively pursuing a major proxy war against its neighbor in the center of Europe, and with a brutality that would make the now-departed marshals of the old Soviet high command smile with approval. This is no longer a war on Ukraine, but a war on the entire post-Cold War international order."

Even in light of this disastrous event, that has the fingerprints of Putin and the Kremlin all over it; Merkel simply continues to wring her hands in anguish, whilst assuring German businessmen that it is still "business as usual" with Putin and his kleptocratic FSB Mafia clan. So while the UN Security Council calls for a "full, thorough and independent international investigation [into the downing of MH17], Merkel rather weakly calls for a "ceasefire" whilst German businessmen continue to stride with their jackboots over the Ukrainian peoples to suck at the teats of the corrupt Russian economic cow!

And not only Merkel! Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany stated in an interview on 25th July that:

"We remain true to our course: cleverly calibrated and mutually agreed measures to raise the pressure and toward a willingness to have serious talks with Russia" But, unfortunately, this change of heart on the part of  Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is as weak as Angela Merkel wringing her hands at the criminal behaviour of Putin. As the Economist stated on 26th July,

"Germany for its part would be expected to contribute by restricting Russia’s access to high technology, especially in the energy sector.
That is more conceivable than it was; German opinion seems to be turning. “Nobody can blame Germany for not having taken efforts to talk,” says the German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “But Russia did not stick to the agreements to the necessary extent.” The day after the foreign ministers’ meeting Germany’s mass-circulation Bild, unimpressed, ran a headline mocking the EU for its Empoerend Untaetig—outrageous inactivity. But if this signals a new German toughness, it is a stance that will build up over months or years, not in weeks."

 It would seem that only David Cameron, out of the many EU leaders, is willing to publicly stand up to Vladimir Putin over this isuue.

(to be continued ...)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Putin and Ukraine

 It is always easy to start a story with, “It happened when” …. or “It was a sunny day” … or any of the myriad opening lines that authors are so fond of using. But how do you begin a story that is simply a part of your life. If you believe in coincidences you simply hang the beginning of your story on a coincidence. But that is cheating. There are really no coincidences in life. Life is not simply a series of random coincidences. If that were the case there would be no history, no choices, no free will, just a series of random coincidences. The invasion by Putin of Crimea, and its absorption into “mother” Russia, would merely be a random coincidence in space and time. But we all know that this is not the case. Putin, the central actor in this dangerous tragedy, did not wake up one morning and coincidentally decide to bring the world to the brink of World War III through his invasion of Crimea. He planned it and executed it. To understand it one has to try and understand the man. But who, exactly, is Vladimir Putin? If we are to believe Angela Merkel, Putin has somewhat lost the plot, so to speak. The word “mad” is now bandied about him. But can we say that Putin is mad? 

The lanes of history are littered with men who have behaved as Putin currently does over Crimea and the Ukraine. Nowadays there are many who are likening him to Hitler or Stalin. If we go further back in history the name of Napoleon springs to mind. Still further, during the heyday of the Roman Empire, the image of Nero looms large. 

But Putin is Putin, living today with his peculiar demons and not with those of others. 

Putin steals, but he is not a common or garden thief. Putin steals in public. It is universally known that he stole the ring of Robert Kraft in the full glare of public view! And then, to add insult to injury, alleged a lapse of memory 

“You know, I do not remember either Mr. Kraft or the ring," Putin said, as reported by AFP. What thief, in the history of thievery, consciously committed a public act of thievery and afterwards claimed a lapse of memory of even meeting the person from whom he stole? To allegedly prevent a diplomatic scene, Robert Kraft then publicly stated that, yes, he did give the ring to President Putin. But, the plot thickens. Later Putin, rather nonchalantly, offered Mr. Kraft another ring in recompense, also suddenly claiming that the stolen ring was originally given to him by Mr. Kraft. Amazing how Putin emerges from a total lapse of memory to total recall.

One of the hallmarks in the field of espionage is training in the ability of concealment. Indeed, the devious art of concealment can be said to be somewhat central to the persona of a spy. I might add that this art is also practised by politicians, amongst others. It is the pivot upon which the world of diplomacy rotates. That Putin is a rather poor practitioner of this art could be explained by the fact that during his years in the KGB he only attained the somewhat lowly rank of lieutenant colonel, подполковник. Thus, when he first became President of Russia and, a few days later, addressed a meeting of 800 of the FSB (formerly the KGB) top brass at the Dherzinsky Club, he smilingly and proudly pronounced, “The FSB wanted to return to power. I am pleased to announce that we have succeeded.!”

 He made public what, in the world of espionage, should have been concealed! No doubt many officers in the audience winced inwardly at this pronouncement. Is this the devious KGB mind of Putin that New York historian Nina Krushcheva, the grand-daughter of Nikita Khrushchev, so admiringly speaks of? Thus there was only a ripple of polite applause from the audience. And today? As reported in the Russian press, during a session of the board of the FSB security service in Moscow on April 7, 2014, Putin urged that,

We [the FSB] must clearly differentiate between legal opposition activity, as is in every democratic country, and extremism, which is built on hatred, inciting national and international discord, and defying the law and the constitution [of Russia]”.

These words ring hollow in international ears when currently applied to Ukraine because his Russian groups of provocateurs that have currently infiltrated Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv are actively inciting national discord, hatred, and defying the law and the constitution of Ukraine in an attempt to dismember Ukraine before the impending presidential elections on May 25th 2014. More than anything else, what those words underline is that Putin's real inner circle is nothing more nor less than a committee of the FSB, the Russian doll concealed within the Russian doll concealed within the Russian doll concealed within the Russian doll. 

Unlike George Bush, who saw a sort of kindred soul when looking into Putin's eyes; Colin Powell was correct when he remarked that when he sees Putin he sees KGB. Yet it is the tiny concealed Russian doll that Putin himself is unaware of that should give us real cause for concern. Was it not Disraeli who candidly stated that, “ … the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes ...”. Putin should be under no illusions. He is basking in the shadow of Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, 

seeking from it the comforting solace that his 'New Russia' illusion is real. But in whose shadow is Patriarch Kirill basking?

Meanwhile, as the tense situation in East Ukraine continues to escalate, history is blindingly repeating itself. On 16 April, 1922 the Treaty of Rapallo was signed at the Hotel Imperiale in the Italian town of Santa Margherita Ligure between Germany and Russia under which each renounced all territorial and financial claims against the other following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and World War 1. The two governments also agreed to normalise their diplomatic relations and to "co-operate in a spirit of mutual goodwill in meeting the economic needs of both countries". It is the ghost of this treaty that hovered over the deal struck between Putin and the German banks and businessmen in 1992. This deal involved the export of $100m worth of raw materials in exchange for food for the citizens of St Petersburg. The materials were exported, but the food never arrived, as Marine Salye, 

who was put in charge of a city council investigation into the deal, and who fastidiously kept the documents from that time, identified Putin's fingerprints all over it. This deal opened the floodgates for German businessmen to "co-operate in a spirit of mutual goodwill in meeting the economic needs of both countries". And to-day, twelve years later? 

Angela Merkel, the scientist Chancellor of Germany, is coldly and dispassionately upholding the ghost of the Treaty of Rapallo, wringing her hands in anguish while Putin tramples over the rights of the Ukrainian people. Is it any wonder that Gerhard Schroeder, the Chancellor of Germany when that export deal was struck in 1992, fondly embraced Putin at his recent 70th birthday party bash?

But what about the other members of the EU? Cyprus is like a cat on a hot tin roof, not knowing what it will do if all that stolen Russian money wings its way out of her banks. Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, on the other hand, must be sighing with relief whilst carrying out the community service he was sentenced to for his fraudulent tax scams. 

The hot potato of Putin's imperial adventurism has fallen into the hands of Matteo Renzi, Italy's youngest ever Prime Minister. Italy, soon to become the rotating Head of the EU, has oodles of money invested in Russia, of which Putin is well aware. That is why Putin has said that he has “... high hopes that Italy will give a new impetus to the development of relations between Russia and the European Union”, as reported in Ria Novosti on the 17th April 2014. Have events in Ukraine, since then, put something of a damper on Italian-Russian relations?

Can the young Matteo Renzi face up to the howling of Italian businessmen not to jeopardize their sucking at the teats of the corrupt Russian cow? 

Can the country that gave us the Italian Mafia stand up against one of its most ardent emulators, Putin's Russian (FSB) Mafia clan?
Click and choose English captions

Time is rather running out for Matteo Renzi.

If the political leaders in Germany and Italy have their businessmen to contend with, the British Prime minister, David Cameron, has to contend with the trembling 'stiff upper lip' in the boardrooms of the City of London. Unlike the gas and oil pipelines that connects Germany and Russia like an umbilical cord, 

an invisible 'money' pipeline links Moscow and the City of London. So much so that Putin can demand that all street signs in Knightsbridge be written in Cyrillic script. Bear in mind that David Cameron comes from a stockbroking family whilst his sidekick, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, comes from a banking family. So they are, so to speak, children of the City of London. The problem that thus confronts David Cameron is somewhat different from that which confronts Angela Merkel and Matteo Renzi. We are here talking about the precarious nature of the flow of digits through the ether, digits which represent the billions upon billions of dollars that have been blatantly stolen from the Russian and Ukrainian people and that, until recently, nestled safely in numerous financial institutions in the West.

 But completely staunching the flow of these digits will have a negative rippling effects on those financial institutions of the City of London who, like the Italians and the Germans, are sucking on the teats of the corrupt Russian cow. But, unlike Germany and Italy in particular, the City of London was not privy to that deal that Putin struck with Germany, in particular, when he suckered the people of St. Petersburg out of $100 million. 

However, British companies such as BP saw a most profitable opening as Russian oilfields began to shed the shackles of the old Soviet system and beckon, rather seductively, for them to join the new Russian-oil gold rush. And as these companies ran into the embrace of the budding Russian oil oligarchs and the vodka-soaked Yeltsin, then president of Russia, little did they know that the then KGB was smarting in the background, licking the wounds they were sustaining during this cataclysmic change that Yeltsin was ushering in. For the City of London the 'good times' beckoned. 'Greed is good', as Michael Douglas in the movie 'Wall Street' so aptly pronounced.

Unfortunately, down the road, the Russian cow reverted to type under Putin and turned back into a growling Russian bear, 


 as BP and the City of London have discovered to their dismay. And the current events in Crimea and in the East of Ukraine has caught many in the financial boardrooms of the City of London with their pants around their ankles. So, just like Angela Merkel, they too are wringing their hands in despair in the face of Putin's growling Russian bear. But, unlike Angela Merkel, the City of London can simply pull up its trousers by the braces of financial control that it exerts over the value of those Russian digits rushing through the 'money pipeline' to all those financial institutions that the City of London controls.

But, and here comes the rub, Angela Merkel will simply precipitate a rapid growth in German unemployment figures if she stems the flow of money between Germany and Russia, whereas what the City of London does to Russian moneyed digits could precipitate a financial meltdown in Russia. And you do not want to aggravate a growling Russian bear, bearing in mind that Putin displayed utter contempt for Russian lives when he blew up Russian flats in 1999 and blamed it on the Chechens. This 'false flag' tactic of his came to light on the 22nd September, 1999, with the failed Ryazan bomb that was planted in a block of flats and that blatantly exposed the role of the FSB in planting this bomb in the first place

 Ironically, it was the late Boris Berezovsky who exposed those 1999 killings in Moscow flats as having the fingerprints of Putin and the FSB all over it. 


Thus Putin has shown by his actions against the Russian people in 1999, and now in Ukraine, that he can cock a snook at the West because the West does not want to precipitate a fighting war with the current Russian leader. So Putin surrounds Ukraine with a readied army and blatantly foments and stokes dangerous unrest, especially in Eastern Ukraine. After all, if he could cynically kill Russian men, women, and children to bolster his image, why not dismember Ukraine to do exactly the same, irrespective of the consequences? Is it not Patriarch Kirill who has recently and publicly placed upon Putin's shoulders the warm cloak of the saviour of Mother Russia? 

The question is," Who started this St. George Ribbon Campaign in 2010?"
If Patriarch Kirill could raise Putin's status to sainthood, as Pope Francis recently did with John Paul II, he would do so gladly, and with all the pomp and splendour at his command. And if, in the process, the Russian people are once again reduced to serfdom, then so be it. Was it not during the era of the Czars, when the vast majority of Russians were serfs, that the Russian Orthodox Church was at its zenith? Ironically, the utter failure of the Bolsheviks to excise the power of the Russian Orthodox Church from the heart of the Russian people has given Putin the perfect vehicle with which to emulate St. George, with the active help and support of Patriarch Kirill. 

One can only wonder at what is currently being disseminated amongst the people of Russia by the footsoldiers of the Russian Orthodox Church. The deafening silence of the Russian pulpits about the evil been done by Putin in Ukraine has, after all, its historical counterpart in Germany under Hitler. There is, truly, nothing new under the sun.

Let us now take a slight detour to examine the possible origin of some of the fears of Putin and the kleptocratic FSB clique, this den of thieves, that he has surrounded himself with.

When, in 2004, Yuschenko defeated Putin's candidate, Yanukovich, in the Ukrainian Presidential elections one could almost say that Putin was, somewhat, apopletic with rage. 

 But his rage was a controlled rage; a rage that only he understood. Those around him did, indeed, witness this rage, but could not quite fathom its meaning. Yet now, in June of 2014, as is always the case with hindsight, we have 20-20 vision. 

There is a strange question mark that hangs over the jailing of the braided Yulia Tymoshenko by Yanukovich. Why is this so? Yushenko was poisoned, but this rather backfired on Putin. In any event, Yushenko was weak, an 'intellectual' who became a banker and who tended to see events through a bankers spectacles. Yulia, on the other hand, was a child of the Soviet educational and, more importantly, cultural system. As a Ukrainian from her mother's side, she has the blood of Scythian women flowing through her veins. 

Now Scythian women are really not to be messed with.  As Hippocrates warned, “They [Sarmatian (or Scythian) women] have no right breasts…for while they are yet babies their mothers make red-hot a bronze instrument constructed for this very purpose and apply it to the right breast and cauterize it, so that its growth is arrested, and all its strength and bulk are diverted to the right shoulder and right arm.”

The whole Pussy Riot thing of those Russian girls highlights the difference between Ukrainian Scythian women as opposed to Rossiya i.e Russian, women.  Rus as opposed to Ros.

Personally I think that Putin, the Russian wife-beater, rather admired Yulia. In her he thought he saw a kindred spirit. 

(to be continued ...)