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Saturday 13 September 2014

Russia wants to 'restore Soviet Union'

Total invasion of Ukraine possibly imminent

On the 12th September, 2014 after just over a week ago, a ceasfire was agreed upon by Putin and Poroshenko, we have yet another "Trojan Horse" of, wait for it, 220 lorries that crossed into Ukraine from Russia WITHOUT observing any of the inspections from Ukraine, the International Red Cross, and the OSCE, as was agreed upon when the last "Trojan Horse" of so-called humanitarian aid tried to circumvent inspection from the Ukrainian authorities and the Red Cross.

The New Russian "Trojan Horse"
Yet again Putin has raised the banner of "humanitarian aid". At the same time Donetsk International Airport came under artillery fire this morning, the Ukrainian counter terrorism press office told CNN.This prompted the Ukrainian military to exchange fire with the rebel forces, it said. National Defence and Security Council spokesman Col. Andriy Lysenko said in a televised Kiev news briefing that a GRAD missile system was used in the attack on the airport, from three different points in the area. Donetsk City Council reported that two homes in the area were hit.

The modern St. George of Russia, Vladimir Putin, once again coming to the rescue ...... of what and of whom?

In light of the new set of sanctions that have been put in place by the EU and the US this very week, we have this response of Putin and his Russian army generals.This response is aimed directly at the EU. More specifically, it is aimed at destroying the rather tenuous EU agreements over their current list of sanctions. After all, since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, the EU triumvirate of Germany, France, and Italy have broken out in a cold sweat over the employment and financial implications of their investments in Russia simply because they have to put these EU sanctions in place to try to bring Putin to heel. And not only this triumvirate. Even Finland is beginning to wobble.

But where Putin has seriously stumbled in trying to gain control of the soul of the Ukrainian people is the utter failure of Patriarch Kirill to stamp his authority on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as Katarzyna Jarynska points out. 

This rather diminishes the recent boast of Putin that  ...

Are members of the EU so blinded by the effects that their sanctions will have on their own economies that they cannot see just how determined the people of Ukraine are in defending the sovereignty of their country? 

Has the EU indeed lost sight of its moral compass?  As Alexander Motyl has pointed out, "..such countries as France and Germany, which have extensive economic relations with Russia, face a difficult moral choice. They must ask themselves whether Putin is evil or evil enough. If they decide his killing spree in eastern Ukraine is neither evil nor evil enough, they must explain -- to themselves and the rest of the world -- just why they believe the destruction of Ukrainian, Russian, Malaysian, Dutch and other lives is not a form of evil behaviour." And now Finland, like so many other EU countries, is also faced with this moral choice. Thus, the question is, "What will the EU do about Putin's 'humanitarian' Trojan Horse that he has, once again, sent into Ukraine?"

(to be continued)

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