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Thursday 30 May 2024

Is Putin now 'running scared'?

Making Putin practically foam at the mouth, James Gordon (left) reports that,

"U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has suggested the United States is contemplating allowing Ukraine to use American-supplied weapons to directly strike Russian territory, given the changing dynamics on the battlefield in Ukraine.
He said  Ukraine 'has to make its own decisions about the best way to effectively defend itself. We're going to make sure that it has the equipment it needs to do that.'"
(Mail Online: 30 May 2024) (my emphasis) 

Mail Online: 30 May 2024

And as reported by AP News,

 "France’s president has joined the head of NATO in pushing for a policy shift that could change the complexion of the war in Ukraine — allowing Kyiv to strike military bases inside Russia with sophisticated long-range weapons provided by Western partners.

France 24 : 2 May 2924 : YouTube

His remarks came a day after NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg urged the alliance’s members to lift some of the restrictions on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons.

“The right to self-defense includes hitting legitimate targets outside Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said at a NATO meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria on Monday."
(AP News : 29 May 2024) (my emphasis) 

Interestingly, even Geram Chancellor Scholtz seesm now to be coming on board in allowing Kyiv to strike military bases inside Russia with sophisticated long-range weapons provided by Western partners.

As reported by Michel Rose, Sarah Marsh, Emma-Victoria Farr and Andreas Rinke,

"France and Germany's leaders said on Tuesday Ukraine should be allowed to hit military sites inside Russia from which missiles were being fired at Ukrainian territory, but not other targets.
Scholz said he agreed with Macron and that as long as Ukraine respected the conditions given by countries that supplied the weapons, including the United States, and international law, it was allowed to defend itself.

"Ukraine has every possibility under international law for what it is doing. That has to be said explicitly," Scholz said." (Reuters : 28 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Euronews : 29 May 2024 : YouTube

As was to be expected,

"Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West earlier in the day that NATO members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western-supplied weapons to strike inside Russia, which he said could trigger a global conflict."
(ibid Michel Rose, Sarah Marsh, Emma-Victoria Farr and Andreas Rinke)

As Guy Faulconbridge (left) also reports,

"Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences," Putin told reporters in Tashkent. "If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?
" (Reuters : 29 May 2024) (my emphasis)

 Is it, therefore, any wonder that Putin's 'dyed-in-the-wool' Soviet foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov (right), is now scambling for Xi Jinping of China to be peace-maker in Putin's war with Ukraine.

As reported by Reuters,

"China could arrange a peace conference in which Russia and Ukraine would participate, the RIA news agency cited Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying on Thursday.
"We share (China's) position that the root causes of the conflict need to be addressed in the first place and legal interests of all parties need to be protected, with subsequent agreements based on the principle of equal and indivisible security," Lavrov said in an interview with the agency."
(Reuters:30 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Xi Jinping's proposals include:

     Respecting the sovereignty of all countries
     Abandoning the Cold War mentality
     Ceasing hostilities
     Resuming peace talks
     Resolving the humanitarian crisis
     Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs)
     Keeping nuclear power plants safe
     Reducing strategic risks
     Facilitating grain exports
     Stopping unilateral sanctions
     Keeping industrial and supply chains stable
     Promoting post-conflict reconstruction
(Yahoo News (Ukrainska Pravda) : 24 February 2023)    

Could Sergei Lavrov's current 'Chinese' peace proposal have anything to do with Ukraine now given the 'green light' to strike military targets inside Putin's Russia?

Putin seems to have forgotten that it was he who was ' playing with fire' when he invaded and annexed Ukraine's Crimea in 2014, then went on to invade Ukraine's Donbas, and finallly further 'stoked the fire' that he started when he declared war on Ukraine in 2022.

Is Putin now 'running scared'?

UPDATE : 30 May 2024 : 21.53

Lydia Chantler-Hicks reports that, 

"Joe Biden (right) has given Ukraine the go-ahead to use American weapons to strike inside Russia, according to reports.

The US president has green-lit the strikes only for the limited purpose of defending the city of Kharkiv, US media reported on Thursday night, citing two US officials.
The move comes as Ukrainian officials have stepped up calls on the US administration to allow its forces to defend itself against attacks originating from Russian territory.

Mr Biden's decision was first reported by Politico.
(Evening Standard on Microsoft Start :30 May 2024) (my emphasis) (cf also: Politico : 29 May 2024)

No wonder Putin is 'running scared'!

(to be continued)

Thursday 23 May 2024

Putin is heading towards a Black Swan event in light of his current actions.

It should really come as no surprise that Putin and Xi Jinping (left) of China has forged their 'camaraderie' even closer .

As Jennifer Jett, Larissa Gao and Mithil Aggarwal point out,

"They’ve already declared it has “no limits,” and on Thursday Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to deepen a partnership increasingly characterized by their countries’ clash with the West.

The two autocratic leaders met in Beijing in a show of unity between the two U.S. rivals as Putin wages a new offensive in his war on Ukraine."
(NBC News : 16 May 2024) (my emphasis)

NBC News : 16 May 2024
  And as reported by David Averre (right), nothwithstanding Xi Jinping's past remarks about 'No 'nuclear' bombs to be used by Putin in his war with Ukraine,

"Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned in an interview with the TASS news agency that security guarantees which Russia had sought and discussed with the West in 2021 were no longer relevant and that Moscow had no trust in the NATO military alliance." (Mail Online : 17 May 2024) (my emphasis)

On cue, and as reported by Joe Barnes,

"Russia is rehearsing a nuclear attack on Ukraine, broadcasting footage of military drills close to the border between the two countries.

The Russian defence ministry published footage showing vehicles moving into position in a wooded area for the test launch, which was ordered by Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, two weeks ago."
(The Telegraph : 22 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Times Now : 22 May 2024 : Youtube
As also reported by AP News,

"Russia’s military has begun drills involving tactical nuclear weapons that were announced by Russian authorities earlier this month in an apparent warning to senior Western officials who had spoken about the possibility of deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine.

It was the first time Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, although its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises."
(AP News : 22 May 2024) (my emphasis)

 AP News : 22 May 2024 : Youtube 22 May 2024
Furthmore, as reported by Yuliya Talmazan

"The United States has said Russia likely launched a counterspace weapon into the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite, an accusation Moscow rejected Wednesday as disinformation.

The latest clash between Moscow and Washington came as the Kremlin kicked off exercises to simulate the use of tactical nuclear weapons in a likely signal to the West against deeper involvement in Ukraine." (NBC News : 22 May 2024) (my emphasis)

This onslaught of Putin against the citizens of Ukraine during these last 3-2 weeks may have, slightly, left Ukraine on the back foot.

However, to Putin's consternation, and as reported by Christopher Morris (right),

"On a visit to Kyiv on May 15, US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, implied that the time might be right to allow Ukraine to use US weapon systems to strike at targets across the border, saying: “We have not encouraged or enabled strikes outside of Ukraine, but ultimately Ukraine has to make decisions for itself about how it’s going to conduct this war.”
Several of Ukraine’s allies have given the green light for Kyiv to use their weapon systems within Russian territory. The UK foreign secretary, David Cameron, recently said during a visit to Kyiv that Ukraine “absolutely has the right to strike back at Russia.” It appears that France is poised to follow suit."
(The Convversation : 23 May 2024) (my emphasis)
Global News : 11 May 2024: YouTube
Added to which, 
  • The European Union is to use interest accrued from frozen Russian assets worth around €210 billion to support Ukraine. (Irish Legal News : 23 May 2024) (my emphasis) (cf also: Government Offices of Sweden : 22 May 2024)
  • The US is thinking about letting Ukraine use its weapons to strike Russia, even if it enrages Putin ... (Business Insider on MSN Start : 23 May 2024) (my emphasis)
  • The Swedish government has agreed on additional military support to Ukraine totalling 75 billion crowns ($7.01 billion) over three years, it said on Wednesday. (Anna Ringstrom and Yuliia Dysa : Reuters : 22 May 2024) (my emphasis)
 Further compounding Putin's headaches in light of the above decision, and notwithstanding the recent assasination attempt on Slovakian PM Robert Fico (left in picture), Euronews reports that,

"Slovakians raise millions for Ukraine, opposing their government’s pro-Russian stance

The fundraiser's organisers say many Slovakians oppose their government's pro-Russian stance, leading to widespread backing for their initiative.

Over €4 million was raised by Slovakians in the last month to provide weapons for the Ukrainian army.
(Euronews : 20 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Putin's recent onslaught against the people of Ukraine, and against NATO, has seriously backfired.

His 'nuclear threat' mantra against Ukraine has led many NATO countries to step up to the plate and bite the bullet.

Putin has,  through his actions, drawn members of NATO closer towards NATO 'boots' on ground against his forces in Ukraine.

Are we heading for the Black Swan event that his actions are precipitating?
UPDATE : 25 May 2024 
Putin, it would seem, is aware that he is staring into the abyss of a 'Black Swan' event.
As reported by George Wright,

"The European Union has denounced Russia's removal of buoys marking the border with Estonia on the Narva River.

A total of 24 out of 50 buoys placed to mark sailing routes were removed in the early hours of Thursday, Estonian officials said.

Tensions over the border have risen since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said "such actions are unacceptable".

"This border incident is part of a broader pattern of provocative behaviour and hybrid actions by Russia, including on its maritime and land borders in the Baltic Sea region," he said in a statement."
(BBC News : 24 May 2024) (my emphasis) 

Subsequently, as reported by Euronews,
  • "Washington has announced €253 million in military assistance for Ukraine as G7 nations say they will explore ways of using frozen Russian assets to help Kyiv.
  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the package "part of our efforts to help Ukraine repel Russia’s assault near Kharkiv."
  • "Poland's foreign minister has urged Europe to ramp up its defences. Speaking to The Guardian, RadosÅ‚aw Sikorski said a long-term rearmament of the continent ." (Euronews and AP : 25 May 2024) (my emphasis) 
Furthermore, the Hindustan Times reports that,
 "NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, in a message to the West, said that the members of the Western military bloc should let Ukraine freely use their weapons to launch strikes deeper into Russian territory.  
His remarks came amid differences among NATO members over the issue. Stoltenberg highlighted the importance of allowing Kyiv to use Western arms as Russian forces make advances." (Hindustan Times : 25 May 2024) (my emphasis) 

Hindustan Times : 25 May 2024
It is therefore no wonder that Putin, as reported by Freya Barnes

"Vladimir Putin wants a ceasefire in Ukraine 'because the war costs too much, he can sell his territorial gains as a victory at home - and any further advance would require mass mobilisation', according to Moscow aides.

Russian sources yesterday claimed that their president is ready to 'freeze the war' in Ukraine if a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines can be agreed.

The sources told Reuters that Putin is pushing for a ceasefire because he has become concerned about the cost of the war and believes he can sell territorial gains as a 'win' to Russians. 
(Mail Online : 25 May 2024) (my emphasis)
 Will a "Black Swan" event be averted?

(to be continued)

Thursday 16 May 2024

Putin believes that "War is Peace".

It should come as no surprise that Putin is scurrying off to his 'bosom' buddy Xi Jinping of China as his forces stumble slightly in their attack on Ukraine's Kharkiv.

BBC News : 16 May 2024

As reported by Jacqui Housden (left),

"Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing for a two-day state visit to China, in a show of unity between the authoritarian allies as Russia presses forward with a new offensive in Ukraine.
“Moscow and Beijing have indeed accumulated a solid baggage of practical cooperation,” Putin was cited as telling Xi Jinping."
(inews : 16 May 2024) (my emphasis)

As also reported by Tom Watlin and Arpan Rai,

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has cancelled all his upcoming foreign trips as he looks to concentrate on Russia’s advance in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region.

It comes as US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
(right) announced a new $2 billion (£1.6bn)  weapons deal during a visit to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, before suggesting Washington could sign a bilateral agreement with Ukraine in the coming weeks." (The Independent : 15 May 2024) (my emphasis).

As reported by The Telegraph,

"The modest gains Russian forces have made in their recent push into territory around the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv should serve as a wake-up call to Western leaders, and their continuing equivocation over just how much support to give to Kyiv’s war effort. The latest reports indicate Russian forces are seeking to exploit Ukraine’s critical shortages of ammunition and manpower to launch attacks on two fronts " (The Telegraph : 15 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Sky News on MSN : 15 May 2024

On can only hope that Germany's Olaf Scholz is receiving this message loud and clear, and the German-made Taurus missiles will soon be winging their way to Zelensky's army.

Putin is using his 'rushed' trip to China to push Xi Jinping's 'peace proposals' for Putin's war  with Ukraine.

 And what, exactly, are these 'peace proposals' being pushed by Xi Jinping?

 As reported by Å ejla Ahmatović,

"China last year issued a 12-point statement outlining general principles for ending the war — including "abandoning the Cold War mentality" and resuming peace talks — which U.S. and EU officials have dismissed as an attempt to distract from its pro-Russia stance. Xi recently expanded on his principles for achieving peace in talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz." (Politico : 15 May 2024) (my emphasis)

 Putin's reading of Xi Jinping's "peace proposals" is that,

 “We have never refused to negotiate," Putin said. "We are seeking a comprehensive, sustainable and just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means. We are open to a dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, including ours." (Associated Press reporters on MSN new : 15 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Essentially, Putin is stating that following his war with Ukraine in 2014, and his current war with Ukraine since 2022, all lands annexed and occupied by his force since 2014 belongs to Russia and to Russia only.

I am somewhat reminded of the 1949 dystopian social science fiction novel by George Orwell,  in which he states that, "War is Peace". (cf.  Wikipedia)

Putin, it would seem, likewise beleives that "War is Peace".


(to be continued)

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Putin is now rushing 'headlong' into a 'Black Swan' event.

Having constantly wielded the threat of unleashing 'nuclear' armageddon upon the world, Putin is now fuming in a demented fashion at the facts, as I wrote in my last blog entry, (2 May 2024) that,

(1) "And, as reported by David Hughes and Luke O'Reilly,

"Lord David Cameron (left) has backed Ukrainian strikes against targets inside Russia using British-supplied weapons.

The Foreign Secretary said it was a decision for Ukraine how to use the supplied equipment and Kyiv “absolutely has the right” to strike back at Russia.
On a visit to Kyiv, Lord Cameron said: “In terms of what the Ukrainians do, in our view, it is their decision about how to use these weapons, they’re defending their country, they were illegally invaded by Putin and they must take those steps.

“We don’t discuss any caveats that we put on on those things. But let’s be absolutely clear, Russia has launched an attack into Ukraine and Ukraine absolutely has the right to strike back at Russia.
(Irish News : 2 May 2024) (my emphasis)

(2) Furthermore, as reported by Al Jazeera,

"French President Emmanuel Macron said he has not ruled out sending ground troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks through Ukrainian front lines and the government in Kyiv made such a request.

In an interview with The Economist published on Thursday, Macron reaffirmed his previous statements backing Ukraine in the face of Russia’s battlefield advances.

“If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question,” he said.
(Al Jazeera : 2 May 2024) (my emphasis)

France 24 : 2 May 2924 : YouTube

Putin has now dramatically upped the stakes in a confrontation with NATO by,

  • "Russia has warned that it may target British military assets in Ukraine following remarks made by Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron during a visit to Kyiv. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Cameron's comments were provocative and could lead to a significant escalation of tensions between Vladimir Putin and the West." (Alessandra Scotto Di Santolo :Express : 6 May 2024) (my emphasis)"
  • "European intelligence agencies have warned their governments that Russia is plotting violent acts of sabotage across the continent as it commits to a course of permanent conflict with the west.

    Russia has already begun to more actively prepare covert bombings, arson attacks and damage to infrastructure on European soil, directly and via proxies, with little apparent concern about causing civilian fatalities, intelligence officials believe."
    (Sam Jones & Richard Milne :Financial Times :5 May 2024) (my emphasis)"

More disconcerting, and as reported by The Times of India,

"Amid escalating tensions, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered nuclear drills involving troops near Ukraine, aimed at practicing the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, as announced by the Ministry of Defense. These drills, which also involve the navy, underscore Russia's heightened nuclear rhetoric since the onset of the Ukraine conflict." (The Times of India : 6 May 2024) (my emphasis)

The Times of India : 6 May 2024 

And, as to be expected,

"Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (right) on Monday threatened nuclear strikes on Western leaders who want to send their troops to Ukraine, doubling down on his increasingly hostile rhetoric toward the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

He pointed to leaders and politicians in the US, UK, France, the Baltics, and Poland who floated the idea of supplying Kyiv with troops." (Matthew Loh (left): Business Insider : 7 may 2024) (my emphasis) 

The fact that Poland is now responding in kind to Putin's 'nuclear' threat against it by now threatening to station 'nuclear missiles' on its soil as a counter to Putin's 'nuclear missiles' stationed in Belarus, must have come as a devastating shock to Putin.

As reported by David Averre (right),

"Russia will make NATO nuclear weapons in Poland one of its primary targets if they are deployed there, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov declared today in the latest escalation of tensions between Moscow and Europe.

The comments came after Polish President Andrzej Duda on Monday said his nation would be ready to host Western nukes, given Russia's decision to station intercontinental ballistic missiles in neighbouring Belarus late last year."
(Mail Online : 25 April 2024) (my emphasis)

Mail Online : 25 April 2024

If 'nuclear missiles' on Polish soil is driving Putin into a more demented frenzy, then Xi Jinping's visit to France must be pushing him towards a near meltdown.

As reported by Sylvie Corbet (left),

"French President Emmanuel Macron held talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Monday that focused on trade disputes — including lifting immediate tariff threats on Cognac exports — and Ukraine-related diplomatic efforts.
Speaking alongside Xi after their meeting at the Elysee presidential palace, Macron said that France hopes China’s influence on Moscow would help to move Russia toward ending the war in Ukraine.

“We welcome the Chinese authoritiescommitments to refrain from selling any weapons or aid” and to “strictly control” sales of products and technologies that can be used for both civilian and military purposes, Macron said."
(AP News : 7 May 2024) (my emphasis) 

 AP News : 7 May 2024

Xi Jinping now has a choice to make, especially in light of Putin's latest 'nuclear' threats and China's 'seriously' wobbling economy.

China needs the EU market more than the EU market needs China.

Even more disconcerting for Putin, and as reported by John Varga (left),

"Vladimir Putin's army is facing a new crisis, after demoralised soldiers disobeyed orders and refused to fight.

The latest incident comes just weeks after paratroopers and marines refused to storm Ukrainian positions on the left bank of the Dnipro."
(Express : 6 May 2024) (my emphasis)

The 'political tectonic plates' are not shifting in Putin's favour, and his threats about unleashing a 'nuclear war' are now being met with a 'foretaste', by Poland, of what he can expect if he carries out his 'nuclear-armageddon' threats.

Putin is now rushing 'headlong' into a 'Black Swan' event.


(to be continued)

Thursday 2 May 2024

How long will the 'bromance' between Xi Jinping and Putin last?

As Putin accelerates his 'manic' and terrifying assault on the people of Ukraine, German Chancellor Scholtz continues to 'dig in his heels' against supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine that can protect Ukraine's civilians against the near 'avalanche of weaponry' being supplied to Putin from China's XI Jinping and North Korea's Kim Jon Un, so that Putin can continue his 'manic' and terrifying assault on the people of Ukraine.

Let us remind ourselves that, as reported by Hans von der Burchard (left) in 2022,

"Germany on Wednesday announced it was shipping 5,000 protective helmets to Ukraine, while reiterating that it would not send any weapons.

The gesture followed days of strong criticism of Germany’s refusal to export weapons to Ukraine and the fact that Berlin hasn’t granted Estonia permission to send old German howitzers to the country. Berlin had previously refused to export protective military equipment such as helmets or vests.

 “We will deliver 5,000 helmets to Ukraine — equipment that is needed,” Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht
(right) said. A defense ministry spokesperson could not say whether the helmets would be donated or whether Ukraine would have to pay for them." (Politico : 26 January 2022) (my emphasis)

Since then, Germany has had to be dragged by NATO members into supplying Ukraine with weaponry to defend itself against Putin's 'manic' and terrifying assault on the people of Ukraine.

As reported by the Hindustan Times,

"Germany Delivers Marder, IRIS-T To Ukraine As Chorus Mounts For Taurus.

Will Scholz Give In?"
(Hindustan Times : 1 May 2024) (my emphasis)

(Hindustan Times : 1 May 2024 : YouTube)

Tellingly, in a recent poll conducted by the German Forsa Institute, Tass is reporting that,

"The majority of Germans are against supplying long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, according to an opinion poll conducted by the Forsa Institute for the [Russian free-to-air] NTV television channel.

Thus, as many as 56% of the polled spoke against sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine while 37% favored such supplies. Notably, the number of those supporting this idea has considerably increased compared to March (28%). Supporters of The Greens party account for 63% of those who want Germany to supply Taurus’ to Ukraine while opponents of the idea are mostly supporters of Sahra Wagenknecht’s left-wing party and the right-wing Alternative for Germany."
(Berlin - Tass : 30 April 2024) (my emphasis)

Controversially, both Forsa and its head, Manfred Güllner (left), have been accused of bias towards the SPD [the party of Olaf Scholtz] in connection with pre-election polls.

Former [SPD] Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, a longtime friend of Manfred Güllner, stood down in favour of the CDU's [East German raised and Putinversteher] Angela Merkel. (Wikipedia)

Consequentially, and as reported by Euronews, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg is correct in bemoaning the fact that,

"NATO countries have not delivered what they promised to Ukraine in time, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday.

This has allowed Russia to press its advantage on the battlefield, while Kyiv’s depleted forces wait for military supplies from the US and Europe, the NATO chief added.

"Serious delays in support have meant serious consequences on the battlefield” for Ukraine, Stoltenberg told a news conference in Kyiv with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy."
( Euronews : 29 April 2024) (my emphasis)

(Euronews : 29 April 2024)

Notwithstanding  these critical delays in the delivery of munitions and missiles to Ukraine, all is not lost.

 As reported by John Varga (left),

"Vladimir Putin's army was left reeling after a deadly strike by ATACMS missiles wiped out a Russian military base in occupied Ukraine.

The devastating attack was filmed by Ukrainian drones hovering near to the base in Rogovo, which is located in occupied Lugansk province."
(Express : 1 May 2024) (my emphasis)

Furthermore, as reported by Aurora Bosotti, (right),

"Ukraine has been pursuing a persistent bombing campaign targeting crucial oil fields within Russian territory for weeks.

Russia has been left grappling with rocketing fuel prices because of a tenacious bombing strategy putting growing pressure on consumers.

According to the latest government data, the cost of diesel went up almost 10 percent over the past week, with gasoline prices hitting a six-month high.

Reports of strikes on oil refineries have been increasing in recent months, with Russian Telegram reporting yet another drone attack in Ryazan Oblast causing a massive fire in the early hours of May 1." (Express : 1 May 2024) (my emphasis)

More critically, as reported by Jennifer Hansler and Samantha Waldenberg,

"The United States imposed sanctions on more than a dozen companies in China and Hong Kong for their support of Russia’s war in Ukraine as part of a tranche of nearly 300 new sanctions unveiled Wednesday.

The move comes after repeated warnings from top US officials, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to top Chinese officials that they must crack down on China’s provision of dual-use items to Russia that the US says are being used to strengthen its military in the war against Ukraine."
(CNN : 1 May 2024) (my emphasis)

And as Finbarr Bermingham (left) also reports,

"European Union officials plan to inform Chinese diplomats on Friday about the intent to add more Chinese companies to a blacklist because they had helped Russia evade EU sanctions.

The Chinese companies stand accused of buying European-made goods that are not permitted to be sold to Russia, then exporting them to Russian military buyers.

The aim of the meeting is to enlist Beijing’s help in closing the loopholes, people familiar with the planning said."
(South China Morning Post : 26 April 2024) (my emphasis)

Let us remind ourselves that China itself is currently facing critical economic problems.

As reported by Liangping Gao and Ryan Woo,

" China's industrial profits fell in March and slowed gains for the quarter compared to the first two months, official data showed on Saturday, raising doubts about the strength of a recovery for the world's second-biggest economy.
Signs of the economy gaining momentum in the opening months were shown to have gradually given way to concerns over lacklustre demand at home."
(Reuters : 29 April 2024) (my emphasis)

Joe Blogs : 29 April 2024 : YouTube

Xi Jinping thus has to take into account the impact that Putin is having on the economic woes of China in his support of Putin.

As Jacob Paul writes,

"China could force Vladimir Putin to leave Ukraine by withdrawing its support for Russia, an analyst has said.

China wants to win on all fronts, and this includes trying to balance the tension between supporting Russia and trying to alter the relationship with the US.
Prof Bryson said: “China needs to work with the US and other countries to try to stabilise the international economy.

“This includes reducing trade barriers but also trying to facilitate the end of conflicts that are dampening global economic growth"
(Express : 27 April 2024) (my emphasis)

Xi Jinping is well aware that as Putin continues to ramp up the growing possibility of precipitating a war with NATO as, with the aid of Chinese companies, he accelerates to rain bombs upon the people of Ukraine, the global economic fallout will be catastrophic for China.

Which raises the question, 

"How long will the 'bromance' between Xi Jinping and Putin last?"

UPDATE : 3 May 2024

Finally two members of NATO are throwing down the gauntlet to Putin, confronting him with sending troops from a NATO country to defend Ukraine, and explicitly stating that the defence missiles they are providing to Ukraine can be used against targets in Russia itself.

As reported by Al Jazeera,

"French President Emmanuel Macron said he has not ruled out sending ground troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks through Ukrainian front lines and the government in Kyiv made such a request.

In an interview with The Economist published on Thursday, Macron reaffirmed his previous statements backing Ukraine in the face of Russia’s battlefield advances.

“If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question,” he said.
(Al Jazeera : 2 May 2024) (my emphasis)

France 24 : 2 May 2924 : YouTube

And, as reported by David Hughes and Luke O'Reilly,

 "Lord David Cameron (left) has backed Ukrainian strikes against targets inside Russia using British-supplied weapons.

The Foreign Secretary said it was a decision for Ukraine how to use the supplied equipment and Kyiv “absolutely has the right” to strike back at Russia.
On a visit to Kyiv, Lord Cameron said: “In terms of what the Ukrainians do, in our view, it is their decision about how to use these weapons, they’re defending their country, they were illegally invaded by Putin and they must take those steps.

“We don’t discuss any caveats that we put on on those things. But let’s be absolutely clear, Russia has launched an attack into Ukraine and Ukraine absolutely has the right to strike back at Russia.
(Irish News : 2 May 2024) (my emphasis)

What is more significant about these developments is that Putin has, like a 'cracked' record, yet again threatened the world with nuclear war should any NATO troops assist Ukraine in fighting against his troops in Ukraine.

As recently as 2 months ago he addressed an assembly, that included many Russian generals, and again re-iterated his nuclear threat against NATO.

The Telegraph : February 2024 : YouTube

What should be understood is that Putin's threats of unleashing a 'nuclear war' against any NATO country will invoke NATO countries to unleash their nuclear arsenal against Russia.

In other words, Putin is prepared to sacrifice the Russian peoples on the alter of his manic and delusional ideas about recreating the old Soviet Union.

 Modern Muscle : May 2023 : YouTube


(to be continued)