In yesterday's blog entry I speculated whether Putin and Kerry would meet up in Sochi.
I also pointed out that we should bear in mind that recently the US,
".....quietly introduced a new term: "combined Russian-separatist forces" when referring to Putin's rebel proxies and his Russian soldiers in eastern Ukraine.(Bradley Klapper and Ken Dilanian)
It transpires that Putin and Kerry did, indeed, meet up in Sochi.
As reported by Bridget Kendall (video below),
"This visit (of John Kerry) is highly significant given the low ebb of US-Russian relations .... (By Kerry coming to Sochi)... the Russians are seeing it as a gesture of respect ... something they say they don't get enough of from the Americans..."
At the end she concludes that, "President Putin criticized the Americans for trying to dominate the world ...No promise of any dramatic breakthrough at these talks, but any hint of progress to break the ice in relations (between th US and Putin) would be a real achievement ..."(my emphasis)
Immediately following on from Bridget Kendall, the BBC's Oleg Boldyrev reported from Moscow (video below) on the publication of the Nemtsov report that exposes the direct invovement of Putin's Russian soldiers in the war in eastern Ukraine, notwithstanding Putin's constant 'mantra' that there are no Russian soldiers fighting in eastern Ukraine.
When contrasting the meetings between Putin and Angela Merkel, and between Putin and John Kerry, one is rather struck by the fact that:
Yet BOTH Angela Merkel and John Kerry hinted at a lifting of the sanctions against Putin and his kleptocratic 'siloviki' clique if the Minsk2 protocols are FULLY implemented.".....quietly introduced a new term: "combined Russian-separatist forces" when referring to Putin's rebel proxies and his Russian soldiers in eastern Ukraine.(Bradley Klapper and Ken Dilanian)
As reported by Bridget Kendall (video below),
"This visit (of John Kerry) is highly significant given the low ebb of US-Russian relations .... (By Kerry coming to Sochi)... the Russians are seeing it as a gesture of respect ... something they say they don't get enough of from the Americans..."
At the end she concludes that, "President Putin criticized the Americans for trying to dominate the world ...No promise of any dramatic breakthrough at these talks, but any hint of progress to break the ice in relations (between th US and Putin) would be a real achievement ..."(my emphasis)
Immediately following on from Bridget Kendall, the BBC's Oleg Boldyrev reported from Moscow (video below) on the publication of the Nemtsov report that exposes the direct invovement of Putin's Russian soldiers in the war in eastern Ukraine, notwithstanding Putin's constant 'mantra' that there are no Russian soldiers fighting in eastern Ukraine.
When contrasting the meetings between Putin and Angela Merkel, and between Putin and John Kerry, one is rather struck by the fact that:
- Angela Merkel reassured Putin that, “Germany is working with Russia, not against it.” (RT : May 10, 2015)
- There was, "No promise of any dramatic breakthrough (on the Ukrainian issue)" at the talks between Putin and John Kerry (Bridget Kendall report)
Which brings us back to the the US speaking about,
As Bradley Klapper and Ken Dilanian further state,
"That will make it harder for Russia to persuade the U.S. and Europe to scale back sanctions that are hurting its economy..." (Business Insider UK : Apr. 30, 2015).
Since the US is now effectively regarding Putin's rebel proxies in eastern Ukraine as an integral part of Putin's military forces, whilst Merkel and many other leaders in the EU still view them as 'Russian-speaking Ukrainian rebels';
This critical difference between Kerry and Merkel, should be viewed against the speculation of AntonTroianovski that Merkel seems to be presenting herself as,
".......the West’s de facto negotiator-in-chief in the Ukraine crisis..."? (MarketWatch : May 10, 2015), a view that Putin seems to be endorsing". Thus his meeting Merkel in Moscow whilst meeting Kerry in Sochi.
Added to which, Merkel must be giving Putin the 'respect' he so desperately craves, and that he feels he, "doesn't get enough of from the Americans".
However, should an 'inveterate liar' be given respect?
Just as Putin himself finally admitted that he 'lied' about his invasion, and consequent annexing of, Ukrainian Crimea (see video below), we now have the Nemtsov report revealing yet again, "the direct invovement of Putin's Russian soldiers in the war in eastern Ukraine, notwithstanding Putin's constant 'mantra' that there are no Russian soldiers fighting in eastern Ukraine."
Let us remind ourselves that,
"“There has been a Russian build-up, both along the borders between Russia and Ukraine but also inside eastern Ukraine, with a steady flow of heavy equipment, tanks, artillery, ammunition, air defence systems and a lot of training,” alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a news conference yesterday.
“So they have the capacity, the capability to launch new attacks with very little warning time. But of course no one can say anything with certainty about the intention.” (Times of Malta (Reuters): Tuesday, May 12, 2015) (my emphasis)
Surely she is also aware of Putin's "combined Russian-separatist forces" now having the, "capability to launch new attacks with very little warning time".
Surely she is also aware that the strategic city of Mariupol is gearing itself up for an imminent invasion by Putin's "combined Russian-separatist forces".
Like Angela Merkel is she, too, simply sitting on her hands?
(to be continued)
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