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Friday 11 March 2022

Will Putin allow Russia to be blown into nuclear oblivion

When Hitler invaded Poland on the 1st September in 1939,

"The United Kingdom declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, two days after Germany invaded Poland. France also declared war on Germany later the same day." (Wikipedia)

In his radio broadcast to the British people, Neville Chamberlain stated that,

"Up to the very last, it would have been possible to reach a peaceful settlement between Germany and Poland [read: Russia and Ukraine]. But Hitler [read: Putin] would not have it.
He [read: Putin] had evidently made up his mind to attack Poland [read: Ukraine] whatever happened.

And although he now says he put forward reasonable proposals which were rejected by the Poles, that is not a true statement. The proposals were never shown to the Poles nor to us.  And though they were announced by the German [read: Russian TV] broadcast on Thursday night, Hitler [read: Putin] did not wait to hear comments on them, but ordered his troops to cross the Polish [read: Ukraine] frontier the next morning.

His actions show convincingly that there is no chance of expecting that this man [read: Putin] will ever give up his practice of using force to gain his will. 

He can only be stopped by force, and we and France are today in fulfilment of our obligations, going to the aid of Poland [read: Ukraine] who is so bravely resisting this wicked and unprovoked attack upon her people.
But the situation in which no word given by
[read: Russia's] Germany's ruler [read: Putin] could be trusted, and no people or country could feel itself safe, had become intolerable. And now that we have resolved to finish it, I know that you will all play your part with calmness and courage" 

 Please listen: Radio Broadcast of Chamberlain in 1939.

Fast forward to 2022 and, rather uneeringly, Chamberlain's speech of 1939 mirrors what now confronts not only the US, the UK, and the EU, but also the rest of the world.

So why is the world simply looking in horror at the daily atrocities commited by Putin on the Ukrainian people?

Chris Hayes : MSNBC : 10 March 2022

Fear ... fear that Putin will unleash a 'nuclear' war that will lead to the 1960's MAD ... Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine.

As Chris Hayes explains, the West is fearful of starting a nuclear war with Putin should they help the Ukrainian people by enforcing a "NO FLY ZONE" over Ukraine.

But in the words of Ukraine's President Zelensky,

"We are speaking about closing the sky .. You can't decide to close or not to close [the sky].. You can't decide .. If you united against the Nazism and this terror you have to close .. Not me .. Don't wait me asking you several times .... a million times .. Close the sky ... No .. You have to phone us .. to our people .. who lost their children and say "Sorry .. We didn't do it yesterday" (MSNBC : 11 March 2022) (my emphasis)


The fear of the West is also the fear of Putin.

Will Putin set off Mutually Assured nuclear Destruction if the West decares a "NO FLY ZONE" over Ukraine?

Will Putin allow Russia to be blown into nuclear oblivion, feeling content that the US and Europe will also, likewise, be blown into nuclear oblivion?

Will Putin's "siloviki" allow him to totally destroy Russia if a NO FLY ZONE over Ukraine is declared?

                       (left to right : Sergei Shoigu, Valery Gerasimo, Nikolai Patrushev, Viktor Zolotov)

                     (left to right: Sergey Naryshkin, Sergei Lavrov, Valentina Matviyenko, Alexander Bortnikov)

Are they prepared to risk their lives, and the lives of their families, for Putin?

In the words of Zelensky,

"You [the US, EU, and the UK] have to phone us .. to our people .. who lost their children and say "Sorry .. We didn't do it yesterday" 

(to be continued)

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