As she says,
And following on from Putin's warning last week about cutting off gas supplies to Ukraine;
"The European Commission has invited the Russian and Ukrainian energy ministers for talks in Brussels [today] to discuss gas supply problems." (Reuters (as reported in Yahoo News) : 2nd March, 2015)
"Ukraine's state energy firm Naftogaz once again charged Russian gas giant Gazprom with violating the terms of an EU-backed winter gas supply agreement, Ukrainian company said on Monday [2nd March]." (Reuters as reported in the Daily Mail : 2 March 2015) (my emphasis)
As Valentyn Zemlyansky has explained,
"All these threats by ... [Putin about cutting off gas supplies to Ukraine] are not particularly frightening for us, as the situation has radically changed compared to last autumn," said Zemlyansky, [former spokesman for Ukraine's gas firm Naftogaz]. "We've passed through the winter season - the mild weather really helped us, as well as decreased consumption by industry."
He estimated Ukraine would consume about 35 billion cubic meters of gas in 2015. That is not far out of line with what it produces itself and imports from Europe, although it will be important to build up reserves for next winter's peak." (Peter Graff and Pavel Polityuk : Reuters :
"There are signs the enemy is preparing for further offensives," he said, naming as major targets government-held Mariupol, a strategic port city, and Artemivsk, north of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.
While there was no shelling in the night, rebels shelled government troop positions 34 times on Saturday, wounding eight Ukrainian soldiers, Lysenko said." (Reuters :
Even the head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Ilkka Kanerva, admits to the refusal of Putin's proxies and his Russian soldiers to allow the OSCE monitors to fully monitor their 'withdrawal' of heavy weaponry according to Minsk 2 proposals.
As RFE/RL reports,
" .... the head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Ilkka Kanerva (left) said the separatists continued to impose restrictions on the monitors' movements.
Kanerva said in a statement that he was "profoundly disturbed" by the rebels' "continuing refusal to grant unlimited, safe access to OSCE monitors on the ground in Ukraine and their violations of the Minsk Package of Measures." (VoA : February 25, 201)(my emphasis)
Perhaps most indicative of Putin's proxies and Russian soldiers preparing for further offensives against Mariupol and Artemivsk is the fact that Kanerva has informed us that,
" ..... [the] rejection by Russia of an enlarged monitoring mission on Ukrainian-Russian border runs counter to international community's efforts." (Ukraine Today : Feb. 26, 2015) (my emphasis)
Putin threatening to 'turn off the gas taps' to Ukraine and, by implication, the EU, together with the brutal assasination of Boris Nemtsov a few hundred metres from the Kremlin, are both indications that he is ratcheting up the weapon of 'fear' in his armoury.
It is therefore no coincidence that,
"The night following the murder of Nemtsov, his papers, writings and computer hard drives were confiscated in a search performed by police in his flat on Malaya Ordynka street." (Wikipedia)(my emphasis)
What is Putin trying to conceal from the Russian public and the world?
However, the international community is now well aware that Nemtsov was gathering incontrovertible evidence about Putin's central role in arming his proxies in eastern Ukraine, as well as supporting them with thousands of Russian soldiers that are fighting and dying alongside them.
And finally John Kerry, US Secretary of State has publicly called Putin and his kleptocratic clique 'liars', no doubt to the utter astonishment of Lavrov and, perhaps, even Putin himself.
We now wait to see how those ardent supporters of Putin within the EU will respond to these events of the last few days.
As the late Harold Wilson once said at a party conference in 1960,
"Forty-eight hours is a long time in politics".
(to be continued)
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